Tuesday, February 24, 2009


What did I eat? I forgot.
Oh...I remember now, mommy gave me chocolate flavored" poky".
when I like to eat something, I really like it, I would be a fan of it, like delicious milk, "poky" sticks, yogurt, sweet but moisture treats, Lucky Charm...

Mommy is making the custard for banana cream pie, how nice she let me lick the spatula, Yummy!!!!
I was adventuring a new kind of chinese yogurt drink, It's so delicious, I drink all of them. Of course, I also made a mess, my shirt was all wet, that's why I am half naked, sorry about that!

Last second I was happy, now, I am unhappy, because mommy does n't want me touch the camera! but I really want to see the pictures in the camera, and I really know how to use it.
Please don't treat me like a baby---
I learn things so fast:
--- I understand and know how to say EAT. if you say eat, I would be waiting by my seat for the food coming.
---I know how to say thank you in chinese. Xiexie!
---I know my stuffed animals, especially my panda(xiongmao in chinese), I know he always lying down on my bed upstairs. I named my two big stuffed animals"Di". I love them, they are my good friends. I don't like the small stuffed animals that much, I have many of them, but I always throw them on the floor.
---I know if I kiss mommy, she would say xiexie to me...
---When I take a bath, mommy always put a lot of bubbles on my body, my arm, and my hands, I don't like bubbles on my hands, I would put my hands in the water and then it all disappeared.
---I almost walk upstairs & downstairs like mom&dad, but I need to hold the handrail in case I fall. once I fell, it hurts me very bad...
oh well, those are all the examples of the things I capable to be, I can do more than that. only one thing I am embarrassed to tell you, I like to hit people, but please understand, I don't know how to say a lot of words know, I hit you because I wanna communicate.

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