Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some pictures in China

Here we go, I am in the US again, I can update my pictures Finally!
Meimei is growing up, getting bigger, and even more cute!
Jet seems growing slow but he is speaking more and always mix up two languages when he talks.

Meimei's first hair cut! she didn't even cry!

Meimei's only 4 months, but she can "stand" by herself, is that amazing? Haha

Mommy, stop training me to crawl, you just trained me to stand for 5 seconds, I am only 4 months.

China Grandma came to help and visit, She is taking good care of this two.

Does Meimei looks like me this time? No, more like her daddy...

Meimei just learnt sit up, she is 5 months.

Meimei Love this jumper!

the opposite!

Grandma's 55 Birthday, we have to do a little celebration home because Meimie is sick. But we made some of her favorite dishes, like fish, crab, veggies...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

妹妹和Jet 好象哦!长的真好!另外等你回国了 我帮你在TAOBAO开店